Marriage: an endless sleepover with your favorite weirdo!
Pisces Pies started baking cakes - even wedding cakes! CRaZy! Weddings are so important and every part has to be perfect including the cake (and pies!!). Developing and practicing baking yummy cake, stacking multiple layers, buttercream frosting (requires lots of mixing), frosting the cakes, developing cake stands, wedding decorations for the desert tables, and sugar flowers.
There were many samples to make sure the cakes not only looked pretty but tasted just as good! Pies too. They are required for the desert table (really you don’t even need the cake these days - just have pie! your choice). It was an experience creating the first wedding desert table and look forward to many more in the coming summer! (special thank you to Tina and John for letting Pisces Pies create your desert table for your wedding).